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3.87sAnd coming in at number five is Springfield native Artie Ziff.
2.79sOhh. Whoa. Your old boyfriend.
2.72sPlease. We went out once.
2.57sArtie made mega bucks with a revolutionary invention,
2.87sa converter that changes that horrible modem noise...
1.93sinto easy listening music.
4.67sAlso available with lyrics.
10.36sHey, computer geek You will be connected in no time What a catch. Why didn't you sink your claws into him at the prom?
2.22sYeah. He was warm for your form.
2.12sWell, he seemed like a sweet little shrimp.
2.69sBut then he turned into an octopus.
1.93sArtie. Artie, no. Stop. Marge.
3sMarge, you know you can't resist my busy hands.
2.2sArtie, get off of me.
2.12sWell, I think you should get in touch with him.
3.1sYou know, just to congratulate him on his success.