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1.34sOh, my God.
1.25sLet me help you up.
3.25sMarge, you're trying to hurt me.
2.4sWhat? That's crazy.
1.37sNo, it's true.
1.5sThe car, the soup--
3.24sIt's like you hate me. Your own husband.
1.27sThat's ridiculous.
2.7sI don't like you-- I mean hate you. Hate you.
1.7sHate you. I hate you!
3.84sI've heard that from coworkers, strangers on the street,
2seven my own children,
2.77sbut I never thought I'd hear it from you.
2.08sMaybe we should see a counselor.
1.98sWho's "we?" Got a mouse in your purse?
1.67sManjula, I am so glad...
2.84syou have finally forgiven me for having an affair.
3.2sShe used to elbow me in the face.
2.52sNext, please.
2.6sI've been married to my husband for 10 years,
2.17sand part of me wants to kill him.
1.77sPerhaps you feel that your husband...
3.04ssees you as less of a partner and more of a doormat.