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2.03sBrian, if I ever take up roller derby,
1.5swhat do you think my name should be?
3.47sBruisin' B. Anthony, Alicia Sleaze or Quahag?
1.23sHow about Harlot O'Scara?
1.57sOh, you dick, that's genius.
1.32sHow'd your date go?
1.43sOh, went great. We had an awesome time.
2sShe's really smart, really funny.
1.77sCute? Yeah, hot, actually.
2.8sI don't know how she does it, but she dresses really well for a blind girl.
1.43sI mean, like, her body is just...
2.57sWhoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
3sDon't "what" me. You just said she's blind. You just said it.
1.6sYou totally buried the lead.
1.57sYeah, well, it's not that important.
2.87sSo what if she can't see? She's amazing in every other way.
1.7sOkay, if you say so.
2.34sHey, does she have really weird, messed-up eyes?
3.77sNo, her eyes are normal. They're beautiful, actually.
1.73sBet they're not.
1.6sBet they look like bowls of milk.
1.07sShut up.
1.58sYou sure she isn't just using you?
1.57sSeeing-eye dogs are expensive,
1.84sshe may just be trying to get one for free.
1.8sNo, actually, she doesn't want a seeing-eye dog.
1.7sShe hates dogs.