1.49sPeter, you can't stay up here.
2.27sCome on, Lois. A lot of people live in weird places.
2.34sLike my cousin, Jaycee Dugard Griffin.
4.3sGrandpa-Daddy-Husband, my belly hurts again.
3.22sOh, hi. You must be Kate. I'm Brian's nurse.
1.67sHe's had a little accident, I'm afraid.
2sOh, my God, Brian! Are you okay?
3.3sOh, don't worry. I'm fine. I'm just sort of bandaged up right now.
2.4sYou must be Kate's parents. It's so nice to meet you.
1.87sWell, it's lovely to meet you, too.
1.35sSo, what happened?
2.52sWhat happened is this one's a hero, is what happened.