1.84sANNOUNCER: We now return to True Blood.
2.17sHi. I'm a nude vampire.
1.98sHi. I'm a nude werewolf.
1.42sAnd that's the show!
3.24sPeter, come downstairs. That gay show you like is on.
1sPETER: Coming!
6.47s(SCREAMING) (THUDDING) Fuck! Fuck! God damn it, fucking, cock-sucking, cock, fuck! Damn it!
1.8sOh, my God, Peter. Are you okay?
3.47sNo, I am not okay! Nothing about this is okay!
2.27sYou just need to be more careful coming down the stairs.
1sThat's all.
1.97s(GRUNTS) Easy for you to say.
1.62sThis is stressing the crap out of me.
3.07sLike when we had that easily startled wallpaper.