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2sOh, my God, Brian! Are you okay?
3.3sOh, don't worry. I'm fine. I'm just sort of bandaged up right now.
2.4sYou must be Kate's parents. It's so nice to meet you.
1.87sWell, it's lovely to meet you, too.
1.35sSo, what happened?
2.52sWhat happened is this one's a hero, is what happened.
2.55sRescued two children from a burning building.
1.13sCan you imagine?
1.97sNot quite in time, they were both horribly burned.
1.7sThey have that sort of creme brulee face going on now,
1.67sbut he saved their lives.
0.85sOh, my God, Brian.
2.2sI know, right? So noble.
4.39sPlus he's the only one of my patients to never ask me for hand work.
1.53sSuch a gentleman.
2.1sNever even tried anything when I'm giving him a sponge bath.
3.07sAnd I'm very thorough. I will wash the abdominals.
1.47sNot all nurses do, but I do.
1.47sAnd yes, sometimes I graze it.
1.77sBut you know what? I'm a healthcare professional.
1.53sIt's what I do. It's my work.
2.84sIt's important to me, and this one respects that.
2.64sAnd I'm very grateful.
1.87sWhy are you here again?
1.97sOh, my God! I am so, so sorry.
2.03sIt's no problem. Don't worry about it.
2.2s(SNIFFING) What's that smell?