2.49sI'll twist this bottle in your face
2.97sHallelujah! I've done it again!
1.97sNed, you're supposed to overpower her.
2.23sI'm trying. I'm trying.
2.84sAn' I'll talk like 'is. Bob's yer uncle, mate.
1.6sThat really doesn't help, Bart.
2.15sBig Daddy, would y'all mind passin' a lil' ol' biscuit?
2.62sCan I slog off school tomorrow? Got a pain in me gulliver.
1.48sI'm livin' in a cuckoo clock!
3.52sOh, see you later, kids. I've got to go rehearse with Ned.
2.17sBut, Marge, what about dessert?
2.72sFor God's sakes, you can pull the lid off your own can of pudding!
1.6sFine. I will!