2.49sI'll twist this bottle in your face
2.97sHallelujah! I've done it again!
1.97sNed, you're supposed to overpower her.
2.23sI'm trying. I'm trying.
2.82sWould it help if I talked like this too? It might.
2.84sAn' I'll talk like 'is. Bob's yer uncle, mate.
1.6sThat really doesn't help, Bart.
2.15sBig Daddy, would y'all mind passin' a lil' ol' biscuit?
2.62sCan I slog off school tomorrow? Got a pain in me gulliver.
1.48sI'm livin' in a cuckoo clock!
3.52sOh, see you later, kids. I've got to go rehearse with Ned.
2.17sBut, Marge, what about dessert?