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1.8sSay your prayers!
2.43sOh, Lord, please strike these mountain folk dead.
1.47sListen, we're really sorry.
2.37sWe got lost on a field trip from Springfield Elementary.
3.7sLost on a field trip? Heck, why didnt you say so?
2.8sThat's how Grandpappy wound up in these parts.
4.7sThey was taking us to Capital City to see The Nutcracker.
3.94sAnd I wandered away from the group, married a bear...
2.03sand I started up my family.
1.97sI told you I aint a bear!
2.49sRawr, rawr, rawr!
4.06sNo one understands you, She-Bear!
1.76sThanks for driving us back to town.
1.66sNo problem. We were going there anyway...
1.97sto pick up the new Spy magazine.
2.7sI'm sorry. They dont publish that anymore.
3.83sThe world I "grewed" up in is gone.
4.46sOh, my special little guys! You’re okay! You’re okay!