1.3sDon't say it!
1.5sYour mother smells.
1.95sseE? This is why I hate clothes shopping.
1sI have no ass.
1.3sI'm minus an ass.
1.55sYou're trying too hard, death.
1.5sShe's not gonna care what you're wearing.
1.6sShe's just gonna be glad to see you.
2.07sThat's how it was with Lois.
1.23sHi, Mr. Pewterschmidt.
1.72sWhat the hell are you doing here?
2.34sIt's a long story with some terrific performances,
1.63sand a wonderful scene in A carnival,
1.43sbut I'll cut to the ending.
1.27sI want to marry Lois!
1.77sOut of the question!
1.23sNow, listen, Griffin.
1.15sI want you to take this,
2.2sand stay away from my daughter forever!
2.27s$1 million?