2.77ssewer cake and Safeway ice cream.
3.87s(SPUTTERING) Well, the bottom's all stocked with cheap stuff.
1.82sWho's in the mood to party?
4.2s(GROANS) Poor Leela. I feel like I ruined her life.
1.3sYou might be right, Hermes.
1.22sI am right.
2.37sI almost feel like we should do something to help her.
1.62sWe should do something!
3.75sI don't care what you say, Hermes. Let's go.
3.2sOh, mighty Mayor, we're here about Turanga Leela.
1.47sYou mean Leela? Right.
2.85sI mean, sure, she's a mutant, we've known that for years,
2.89sbut we kept it secret 'cause she's a fine, upstanding...