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1.12sHow could you not?
2.77sPeter, once entered into, marriage is a sacred bond.
3.14sAn alliance blessed by God and hallowed by the community.
2.2sThat's why I'll never opt for the matrimonial condition.
2.67sIt wouldn't be fair to the historical framework of the institution.
1.6sBut for those who do,
3.1sand then turn their back on its long-standing convictions? Shame!
2.9sThis is unwelcome news, Peter. Very unwelcome.
1.88sYeah, I know, but I don't know what to do.
1.93sIt's really hard keeping my mouth shut.
1.35sActually, you know something, Peter,
1.77sthis could be an opportunity for you.
1.02sWhat do you mean?
1.33sWell, Lois's dad is loaded.
2.84sYou could probably get him to pay through the nose to keep your mouth shut.
2.5sYeah, you could really milk this thing, Peter.
1.95sHuh! I never thought of it like that.
2.29sWait a minute. You're not serious. That's totally unethical.
1.05sYeah, Brian, no one cares what you think.
1.5sPeter, you could make him your slave!
3.74sOh, man. He'd hate that even more than he hates sitcom two-parters.
1.38sTootie, it's 8:29!
2.64sNow either try that beer or dump it down the sink! Wait!
4.6sNow I have to wait a whole week to find out if she gave in to peer pressure at that drinking party!
5.42s(DOOR CLOSES) Carter! Carter, wake up!