2.02sMr. Pewterschmidt, you're having an affair?
2.14sWhy don't you say it a little louder, you idiot?
2.55sBut I thought sailors only slept with little buoys.
4.07s(SQUAWKING) Knock it off! Now look, Peter, I... Shut up!
2.7sNow, Peter, you can't... Damn it all, shut up!
1.4sLook what you did, you jackass!
1.33sWhat? I didn't mean to...
1.4sStop it! It liked my joke.
1.73sIt won't shut up.
3.37s(DIALING) Yes, get me the owlery, please.
1.97sRelease the owls.
5.54s(OWLS HOOTING) Now, look, Griffin, you better not breathe a word about what you saw here.
1.72sBut how can you be having an affair?
1.03sWhat about Babs?
1.18sThat's not your concern.