1.75sMy heavens, son! Are you ok?
2.3sYeah. I just got bounced by the Pope's road crew.
2.38sgood thing you missed me. I'm set to drive the Popemobile.
3.6sAny slight bump on the head knocks me unconscious for a few hours.
4.3sI always wake up feeling fine, but it's just so darn inconvenient to be knocked out that easily.
1.23sTaking it off here, Boss.
1.07sTake it off there, Luke.
1sWiping it off, here, Boss.
1.3sWipe it off, 9.
1.27sWaving at the Pope here, Boss.
1.8sWave at the Pope there, Luke.
2.2sAre you sure this is Boston?
2.49sYeah, it's Boston. See, look, there's Harvard.
1.27sThat's just a barn.
1.5sOoh. Someone went to Yale.