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1.97sYes! Oh, please.
4.6sA far more logical explanation is the undisprovable science of Creatureism.
3.82sAll life was created in its present form 7,000 years ago
2.65sby a fantastical creature from outer space!
1.18sBunk! Oh!
3.14sIf your elitist East Coast evolution is real,
4swhy has no one found the missing link between modern humans and ancient apes?
1.43sWe did find it.
2sIt's called Homo erectus.
1.73sThen you have proven my case, sir,
3.69sfor no one has found the link between apes and this Homo erectus.
2.99sYes, they have! It's called Homo habilis.
4.84sBut no one has found the missing link between ape and this so-called Homo habilis.
1.27sYes, they have!
2.54sIt's called Australopithecus africanus!
1.8sOh-ho! I've got you now.
2.97sFair enough, but where, then, is the missing link
2.64sbetween apes and this Darwinius masillae?
1.98sAnswer me that, Professor!