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5.74s(BOOING) That is an insultingly accurate stereotype, sir!
1.78sAs a professor of science,
3.92sI assure you that we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men!
1.9sI cannot speak for you, sir,
2.15sbut my ancestors were not monkeys.
1.4sThey were orangutans.
2.69sHard-working, patriotic orangutans.
1.47sDr. Banjo?
1.38sIn the fur.
2.34sAnd I remind you that evolution is merely a theory,
1.9slike gravity, or the shape of the Earth.
2.94sHey, Professor, I'm a flying spaghetti monster.
4.57sYou seriously believe I'm descended from some kind of flightless manicotti?
1.97sYes! Oh, please.
4.6sA far more logical explanation is the undisprovable science of Creatureism.