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3.84sThis is gonna be way better than when we had that Victorian girl ghost over for dinner.
4.37s(MUSIC BOX TINKLING) (CRYING) My governess drowned me in a well.
2sYou are a horrible dinner guest.
3.5sCan you believe it? We're eating with two of the three Ghostbusters.
1.33sActually, I wasn't in that.
2.17sLook at these guys! They can't take a compliment!
4.19sYou know, you guys are funny, but I got a confession to make.
2.23sI'm a pretty funny guy myself.
2sMaybe I say a few things here, maybe I get a few laughs,
1.63smaybe you guys put me in one of your pictures.
2.39sWell, yeah, I suppose it's possible.
1.87sYeah, we've got all kinds of roles available.
1.33sSpeaking roles, background roles.
1.65sBackground would be good for you.
2.03sYeah. Speaking role or background role, either one would be good.
2.4sYou know, I'm really good at sight gags.
2.03sOh! I didn't mean to do that.
1.93sNow it's everywhere!
1.08sThat's comedy.
3.49s(LAUGHING) Peter, what the hell is wrong with you? That's not funny.
1.68sOh, well, interesting opinion, Lois.
4.54sGee, I wonder if there's anyone else at this table who's maybe more qualified to say what's funny than you are.