2.73sListen, you can't both be in denial about it,
1.59sOkay, bye.
2.06sYou can't throw a party! Rememberwhat mom said?
1.4sYeah, if anything gets messed up,
1.3syou and Grandpa Rick get punished.
1.13sI'm only a human being, Marty,
1.99sRick, tell Summer she can't have a party!
1.83sUh, Summer, you can't have a party.
1.59sI'm having a party, b-i-i-i-itch!
1.83sOh, what?! Rick, you can't!
1.97sWhat do you mean you're having a party?
4.09sAre some Glip Glops from the third dimension going to come over and play cards or something?
1.13s"Glip Glop?"
1.59sYou're lucky a Traflorkian doesn't hear you say that.
1.52sIs that like their N-word?