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1.59sOkay, bye. Summer!
2.06sYou can't throw a party! Rememberwhat mom said?
1.4sYeah, if anything gets messed up,
1.3syou and Grandpa Rick get punished.
1.13sI'm only a human being, Marty,
1.99sRick, tell Summer she can't have a party!
1.83sUh, Summer, you can't have a party.
1.59sI'm having a party, b-i-i-i-itch!
1.83sOh, what?! Rick, you can't!
1.97sWhat do you mean you're having a party?
4.09sAre some Glip Glops from the third dimension going to come over and play cards or something?
1.13s"Glip Glop?"
1.59sYou're lucky a Traflorkian doesn't hear you say that.
1.52sIs that like their N-word?
3.64sIt's like the N-word and the C-word had a baby and it was raised by all the bad words for Jews.
1.83sListen, lthinkthe three of us could just,
1.83syou know, have a nice time, like, just hanging out,
1.7sand, you know, doing a little bonding and --
1.7sScrew that. This is my chance...
1.73sto gain some footing with the cool kids.
2.4sThat's why you party? Boy, you really are 17.
0sWhy do you party?
2.13sTo get ...
2.09swr-wriggedy wriggedy wrecked, son!
2.8sJust keep your sci-fi friends away from my awesome ones.
4.6sYeah, and you keep your awesome friends away from my cahapes.
4.43sAfterdinner, 77tan/c2will attach to the rail system near our replica iceberg,