4.27sOkay, it was about 754 years ago-,
2.87sOh, hey, Morty! H-Have you met my buddy Scropon?
1.26sNot again, Rick.
2.03sThat last guy droned on for 20 minutes, you know?
1.73sAnd meanwhile, the whole house is being destroyed!
1.59sHave a little perspective.
2.2sHey, Rick, squanchy party, bro!
1.4sAw! Squanchy!
2.16sIs there a good place for me to squanch around here?
2.23sSquahchy, you can squanch wherever you want, man,
1.97sMi casa es su casa, dawg!
2.43sAll right! I like your squanch!
2.23sUh, Rick, what exactly is "squanching"?
3.53sMarty, listen -- we've had a lot of really cool adventures over the last year,