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2.03sI ain't chicken to spend the night there!
1.02sI ain't neither!
2.13sAnd to prove it, I'm going up there tonight!
1.26sSee you there, pal!
4.16sYou can't stay in that house! Old Man Selberg's ghost still haunts it.
3.2sNot to mention the myriad of bacteria and allergens from years...
3.53s...of substandard housekeeping. It does not augur well for you.
1.26sZip it, egghead.
4.84sYou with your big words and your small, difficult words.
2.99sWow. Any boy who would spend the night in that creepy place...
2.37s...sure would be the bravest fellow I ever met.
2.16sThat Lois is some kind of woman.
3.06sYeah. Just thinking about her makes my testicles want to drop.
2.66sOops! Speak of the devil. Oops, make that devils.