1.4sI love you, Dad.
1.87sI love you too, son.
2.92sHuh? What the... What the hell?
2.04sHow do you like it, huh? How do you like it?
2.1sPeter, what in God's name is this?
2.37sOh, thanks for spending time with me today, Mom.
1.83sI just had to get out of that house.
1.77sPeter's being such a jackass.
3.27sLois, I think this is more serious than you realize.
1.67sDon't you see what he's doing?
1.6sHe's just being immature.
1.77sIt's happened before. And it'll pass.
4.8sLois, what Peter is doing to you is exactly what Carter did to me for years.
3sHe's repressing your Jewish identity.