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2.02sWe'll try to respect your independence and freedom.
3.22sNo! I want the real teen experience--
2.77schores, curfew, the works!
3.44sFine, sweetiekins. We'll be the strictest parents ever.
2.95sNow, let's all have some tequila to celebrate!
2.02sDad, I'm underage!
2.48sOh, right. Here's a silly straw.
4.32sOh, my Amy is sweet little girl again.
2.79sthis like a mother's dream.
4sBad dream, that is. At this rate I'm never gonna get a grandchild! Oh!
2.3sMaybe she not grown up, but she sure grown out.
4.09sShe fat! Dad, if you're gonna make fat jokes till I get cute again,
2.27sI'm just gonna stay in my room!