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2.12sThanks, Professor, but I don't want the treatment.
2.25sDon't you understand, you little nitwit?
3.59sUnless you're treated soon, the only way to restore your true age...
4.2swill be to grow into it, just as God intended.
3.44sHe has a point, honey. What about your job and your friends?
3.14sDo you really want to abandon your old life?
3.34sMy old life wasn't as glamorous as my Web page made it look.
4.74sAll I ever wanted was to grow up here with you. Please?
2.77sWell, if it's what you really want.
2.07sIt is. I know it is.
1.97sI'll miss you, Leela.
3.34sI'll come back and visit when I'm all grown up.
3.62s- Bring beer. - No beer till you finish your tequila!
3sThe age-restoring microbes are ready.
2.84sEveryone into the bacterial spew chamber.
2.09s- Let's go! - Yes.
2.19sEveryone do the same thing.