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3.69sIt's a miracle! You recovered!
3sWhat? What?
3.44sWhile we were setting your broken bones and putting your blood back in,
3.37swe helped ourselves to a kidney and gave it to your father.
2.39sYou butchers! Give it back! Give me that--
2.4sDon't you dance out that door, you--
1.77sI'll get my kidney back, old man!
2sYou have to sleep sometime.
4.07sI know you're a little peeved at Grampa, Dad, but you've done a wonderful thing.
2.84sYes. You've shortened your life significantly...
3.37sso someone else can have a slight extension of theirs.
3.5sYeah, I guess you're right. Give me a hug.
3.62sAh, I don't need two kidneys.
4.69sI have everything I need right here. Hmm.