3.27sDoes it mention that I ran 2 weeks of Junior Varsity track?
1.78sOH... Let's not do this.
1.62sHey! Look. I caught Flo Jo.
1.94sYou don't think I can catch you?
1sMy anklE!
1.68sYeah, listen, don't help or anything.
1.4sI'm totally fine.
1.2sDamn IrisH.
1.67sHere's A couple of Tylenol.
1.85sOH, Great. Tylenol. Yeah, I asked for Advil.
2.04sBut, you know, tylenol, whatever. That's good.
1.13sI got a B-plus in Health.
1.27sIs there anything I can do?
3.79sYEAH. Why don't you boil some water and rip up some sheets there, Einstein.
1.27sIt's a sprained anklE.
1.57sI just have to stay off it for a few days.
1.5sW-w-waiT, you can't stay herE.
0.9sWhy noT?
1.32sYou're trying to kill me!
2.37sBesides, how are we supposed to explain you to Mr. Roper?