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1.85sHow can you people be so blasÉ?
2.22sHere you are in the year 3000 or so,
2.62syet you just sit around like it's the boring time I came from.
4.54s"Boring"? Wasn't that the period when they cracked the human genome...
2.2sand boy bands roamed the earth?
2.6sYeah, but now it's the distant future.
2.6sWhy aren't we out doing everything I ever dreamed of?
3.54sHey, you know what might be a hoot? No. Why would I know that?
2sLet's take the rest of the morning off...
2.64sand take Fry to do everything he ever wanted to do.
1.65sExcept that.
3.95sSo's your fantasies has always been to destroys a planet, huh?
2.62sYeah. What did they ever do for me?