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1.57sAh, you know it.
2.52sOh, God, Peter! Scared the hell out of me!
1sWhat're you doing here?
1.43sI think you know.
1.67sDid you have sex with my daughter?
1.82sWhat? Come on, Peter.
1.47sDid you have sex with my daughter?
1.88sPeter, trust me, it's not happening.
1.59s(SIGHS) All right. Good.
1.67sYeah, she's really making me work for it.
1.62sMaybe you could talk to her.
3.12sWell, I'll try, but sometimes she can be as stubborn as a mule.
3.27sI tell you, you tell her to do something once she does the opposite.
2.1sYou know, it's like she ain't even heard you in the first place.
2.6sIt's like talking to a brick wall. Worse than talking...
2.45sEven a brick wall doesn't tell you they understand you,
1.97sand then go do the opposite, you know?
2.3sSo it's no surprise to me that you're having these difficulties.
2.45sThat just seems to be the way she is.
7.57sYou know, whether it's just that she's not listening or whether it's that she's making a conscious decision to defy your wishes, who can say, you know?