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3.54sDa-doo I saw a red-headed guy come up here about an hour ago.
4.87sMort the Jew He seemed to be in a rush and had a pained look on his face.
8.01sHad to poo Sha-doop-a-doop-a-doo And he stepped into that box there and suddenly there was a big flash of light.
5.91sThat's when he went back in time Oh, my God, Stewie, we have to get him back.
1.87sWhen did the machine send him? I don't know.
1.73sHow can you not know? It's a time machine.
2.84sDoesn't it have, like, a display that tells you the year or something?
3.14sOh, I'm sorry, Brian, is my time machine not as good as your time machine?
3.24sOh, yeah. Oh, no, you've probably got a way better time machine. Yeah.
1.63sStupid dog.
2.83sWell, then, can't you just press a couple buttons and bring him back?
2.5sNo, he can't just come back. He needs the return pad.
2.13sWell, we can't just leave Mort back in time.