1.2sI knew there was something about this date.
4.3sSeptember 1, 1939. This is the German invasion of Poland.
3.3sIt's also the exact day and year that Rene Russo was born.
1.67sStewie, we gotta get out of here fast.
2.34sQuick, set up the return pad and let's get back to our own time.
2.24sWhat's wrong? Why are we still here? I don't know.
1.1sStewie, it's not working.
1.5sYeah, and you know what's not gonna fix it?
1.03sYour shouting.
1.94sOh, God, should we ask somebody for help?
2.4sYeah, right, how many Polacks does it take to fix a time machine?
1.1sLet's find out.
1.37sWell, we can't stay here.
1.7sWe'll have to get Mort to England.
1.77sIt's the only place he'll be safe from the Nazis.
2.07sOh, they're awful, those Nazis.
6.31sIf they catch me, they'll beat me unmerciful and rub dirt in my assneck and all over my assy nipples.