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2.67sI've been muscled out of everything I've ever done,
2.54sincluding my muscle-for-hire business.
5.66sMy poor Homie. Couldn't you try some other far-out moneymaking scheme?
2.1sAh, what's the point?
2.17sYou could raise some emus.
2.53sEmus? Really?
3.17sOh, that's pretty crazy. Nah.
2.43sI'd only fail just like I fail at everything.
1.75sHey, Dad, I've been thinking.
4.1sWhat if instead of giving up on grease, we go for one last big score?
3.42sWait a minute. The boy's right. I can't quit now!
3.52sAw! You always know just what to say to cheer me up.
3.34sEmu farm?
2.5sYou're priceless, Marge.
3.24sThe thing about huckleberries is...
4.07sonce you've had fresh, you'll never go back to canned.
4.47sUh-- Uh-- So anyway, I kicked the guy's ass.