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3.04s"I'm tired of these jokes about my giant hand.
3.09sThe first such incident occurred in 1956 when"--
0.42sHi, Homer.
2.37sMindy! Uh--
2.54sOh, no, I'm sweating like Roger Ebert.
4.37sMu-- Murphy, youse-- You are a elf--
3.62sUncontrollably, I think--
2.8sLook at those two inseparable chums, Smithers.
3.59sThat's exactly the teamwork we'd like to showcase at this year's energy convention.
4.7sAre you sure, sir? Well, no one else seems to share the same spirit of camaraderie.
2.17sSimpson, Simmons, you two have been chosen...
2sto represent us at the National Energy Convention.
3.6sCongratulations. You'll be spending two nights together in glamorous Capital City.
2.94sWow! Capital City!
1.95sThe Windy Apple!
1.83sCome on. I'll get you the tickets.
3.35sOh, this is the worst crisis my marriage has ever faced!