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0.58sDad, why are you singing?
2.57sTell a lie. Tell a lie.
2.84sBecause I have a small role in a Broadway musical.
2.05sIt's not much, but it's a start.
0.67sAre you hiding something from me?
1.82sLike what?
1.93sjudging from your song, you're infatuated...
3swith a woman named Mindy or a man named Andy.
0.5sLisa, look out behind you!
2.39sDad, I'm not gonna fall for that.
2.87sNo, Lisa, I swear to you! I'm 100% completely serious!
2.14sYou've gotta turn around right now before it's too late!
1.3s- Huh? - Sucker!
3.75s"Mindy, because of our uncontrollable attraction,
3.39sI think we should avoid each other from now on."
4.3s"Max, what I did, I did because of alcohol and anger."
3.04s"I'm tired of these jokes about my giant hand.
3.09sThe first such incident occurred in 1956 when"--
0.42sHi, Homer.
2.37sMindy! Uh--