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5.57sYou wouldn't by any chance have some sort of crazy science thing you could whip up that might help make this dog a little smarter, would you?
2.73sI thought the whole point of having a dog was to feel superior, Jerry.
1.19sIf I were you, I wouldn't pull that thread.
1.23sCome on, Morty.
4.96sListen, Rick, if you're gonna stay here rent-free and use my son for your stupid science,
3.76sthe least you could do is put a little bit of it to use for the family.
1.83sYou make that dog smart or...
0.83sMarty's grounded!
1.43sHa-ha! Aw, man!
2.76sBoy, you really got me up against a wall this time, Jerry.
1.43sAll right, Ruffles -- What's his name?
2.33sSnuttles, shake.
1.8sRoll over.
2.99sGo to the bathroom.
1.63s- Holy crap! - No way.