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1.9sBrian, do you know anything about this?
3.1sLois, please. I'm just a dog. A stupid dog.
2.57sVodka stinger with a whiskey back. And step on it!
2.3sPeter, you're simply enchanting.
2.54sYou must join us tomorrow for a game of baccarat.
2.64sOh, Right baccarat at you.
1.8sBrian, what happened to Peter?
4.3sHe's not cramming hors d'oeuvres in his mouth or asking anyone to pull his finger.
2.5sThat's not the man I married.
2.77sSo, I guess, technically, that makes you available.
2.24sHa. Lighten up, toots. It's a party.
2.62sHey, Barkeep, it's like the damn Sahara over here!
1.32sHow you doing, honeY?
1.97sWelcome to the Historical Society Auction.
3.3sOur first item is a 17th-century gilded vessel.
3.1sWe'll start the bidding at $140,000.
1.37sWhat a marvelous vessel.
3.74sIt would look smashing in Lois's crapper. I mean "crapier".
1.57sYou are so right.
3.35sAny woman would love to have that vase adorn her crapier.