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1.37sConcentrated huh?
1.16sConcentrated dark matter --
2.49sthe fuel for accelerated space travel.
0.99sNow, do you know how to make it?
0.93sJESSICA: Come on, Marty,
2.2slsn't your grandpa, like, a scientist?
5.23sOh, yeah, but, you know, he told me that I shouldn't go around spouting off about, you know, his science and stuff.
2.99sI bet you've seen him make concentrated dark matter a lot.
3.2sYou know, if you tell us, I'll be your girlfriend.
1.13sUh, y-you will?
1.9sSeems like a rare opportunity, Morty.
1.76sMarty, u-uh, come on. There's a family emergency.
1.09sStop right there!
1.13sIf he leaves, I'm giving him an "F."
0.97sRICK: He doesn't care.
0.97sAw, man!
1.37sRick, I have to go back!
1.37sI think I was about to get married!
1.13sUgh! Take a showerwith me, Marty,
1.23sListen to me, Marty,
1.8sGet your clothes off and get in the shower right now,
1.7sY-y-y-you got to trust me, Marty,
1.3sI'm gonna get an "F" in class, Rick.
1.16sMarty, that's not class.
1.47sT-T-T-That wasn't your teacher.
1.19sThis isn't your school.
1.52sThis entire world is not the world,
2.4sWe're inside a huge simulation chamber on an alien spaceship.
0.93sWait a minute.
1.19sW-what are you talking about?
1.87sIt's all fake Marty -- all of it.
3.73sNanobotic renderings, a bunch of crazy fake nonsense, Marty,