2.56sHey, man, Abductions just follows the acquisition order.
1.43sDon't put this on Acquisitions!
2.56sWe only acquire humans that haven't been simulated!
4.93sWell, simulations doesn't simulate anybody that's been abducted, so oh, I see!
1.3sOh, oh! It was no one's fault.
1.19sOh, okay.
1.16sI'm sorry. Well, then, problem solved.
1.06sOh, wait -- no.
1.99sThere's still another human in here!
1.3sWho is he?
1.56sRick's son-in-Iaw, Jerry Smith.
2.76sSo far, he hasn't noticed he's in a simulation.
1.47sWell, cap his sector at 5% processing,
2.13skeep his settings on auto, and we'll deal with him later.
2.13sRick Sanchez is the target.