2.12sRene, what was it like working with Douglas Fairbanks?
2.53sIs it true you were born in 1880?
2.79sThis is my rassinfrackin' land!
4.77sAnd I don't care what no man from no Tennessee Valley Authority says, consarnit!
1.28sSo what do you got?
4.47sI got Richard Dreyfuss coming out of the bathroom at his nephew's play in Rhode Island.
1.3sPETER: Richard! Hey, Richard!
1.47sHey, can I get your autograph?
2.27s(SIGHS) Fine. You have a pen and paper?
1.17sPETER: What do I look like, a Staples?
1.13sI don't carry that stuff around.
1.43sLook, I'm sorry, I can't help you.
8.01sPETER: Oh, what, you too big and famous to walk over to that corner drugstore and pick up a pen and paper and possibly some other groceries I need and come back and sign several things for me?