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2.3sYeah. Last time you went to the suicide booth,
2.23syou ended up dating it for six months.
1.54sHow is Lynn, by the way?
2.52sLiving in Oregon with her crazy mother.
2.5sSee you at my funeral, suckers!
2.4sKill me, please, and make it splatter!
2.84sWith pleasure, Bender.
3.14sLynn? Huh. Wow, you look great.
2.59sFat, but great. I thought you were in Oregon.
3.69sMy mom tried to commit suicide in me. I don't want to talk about it.
1.97sWell, tell your mom I said "hello,"
1.9sand it's been nice catching up with you.
1.57sLet's get this show on the road.
4.77sOh, no. You're going to die, all right, but it won't be suicide.
1.65sIt'll be murder.