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2.13sYou cant keep bugging him for every little thing.
3.83sCan and will. Now to unstop the sink.
4.84sLord, please use your space-age clog-busting powers on this stubborn drain...
1.93sthen take some time off for yourself.
1.47sFly to France, have a nice dinner.
2.35sI'll just call a plumber.
4.56sC) Lord, I see thou art working through thy imperfect vessel, Marge.
1.27sFor thou art most wise-
2.69sYou know, most people pray silently.
3.09sMarge, he's way the hell up there!
2.13sHmm. I'm afraid I’ve got bad news.
1.66sThe trees have gotten into your plumbing.
1.52sHow bad is it?
3.77sYour pipes have more roots than the list of all-time top-rated TV shows.
3.3sOh! Well, we could live with a stopped-up drain.
3.49sI dont think all that moisture’s gonna do wonders for your drywall.
2.56sAnd it aint in such great shape as it is.