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1.47sWhat are you doing?
3.33sThe grass is actually greener on Flanders's side.
3.06sThat's because you keep passing out on our lawn.
2.3sNo, that's not it.
1.93sHe's got some secret.
2.73sAnd I'm gonna find out what it is no matter what it takes.
1.87sFlanders, whets your secret?
2.7sYou never get arrested. You dont buy your clothes at Mr. Blob.
2.83sAnd look at your beautiful lawn. lt sickens mel
3.44sWell, whatever I’ve got, I owe to hard work, honest living...
2.16sand flossing my teeth, tail and toes.
1.9sPlus a little prayer now and then.
3.96sSo that's all it takes- a little prayer.
2.56sf Male Announcer] Andnow Ken Burns...
3.83sa documentary b y Ken Burns about the iife of Ken Burns.
1.47sEwl Where's the remote?
3.33sEver since he Was a young man, Ken Burns has io ved two things-
1.76sbaseball andjazz.
1.7sThey so consumed my iife. ..
3.03si never had time for a proper haircut.
2.16sWell, if I dont have the remote...