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3.84sThe most rewarding part was when he gave me my money.
1.88sBut what's with the glowing?
2.04sUm, I'll field that question.
2.3sA lifetime of working in a nuclear power plant...
2.5shas given me a healthy green glow...
3.65sand left me as impotent as a Nevada boxing commissioner.
3.44sAnd now that I'm back to normal, I don't bring you peace and love.
2.82sI bring you fear, famine, pestilence and--
1.82sTime for a booster.
4.05sGood morning, starshine
3.72sthe earth SAys hello
3.4syou twinkle above uS
14.63swe twinkle below good morning, starshine you lead uS along You said you'd bring them peace and love, and it looks like you did it.