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0.43sWhat are you talking about?
3.2sWhat I'm saying, sir, is that a man of your carriage...
2.27scouldn't possibly fit in our seats.
0.47sI could sit in the aisle.
2.83sI'm afraid that would violate the fire code.
2.52sHey, fatty! I got a movie for ya.
3.15sA Fridge Too Far.
2.65sShame on all of you. Give me my dignity.
2.75sI just came here to see Honk if You're Horny! in peace.
1.78sSir, if you just quiet down,
2.02sI'd be happy to treat you to a garbage bag full of popcorn.
4.04sOh! This may surprise you, but you can't buy me off with food.
3.2sI'm sick of all your stereotypes and cheap jokes.
1.93sThe overweight individuals in this country...
3.57sare just as smart and talented and hardworking as everybody else.
1.77sAnd they're gonna make their voices heard.
3.3sAll they need is a leader!