0.99sYeah. Talk to me.
1.43sHey, Rick. It's Alejandro speaking.
3.2sUm, so, we asked ourselves, internally --
1.26swe asked ourselves over here,
1.93s"Okay, what does a pancreas do?"
2.59sand the answer was, "Does it make pirates?"
2.06sNo, it makes insulin, you know?
1.66sSo, we're starting with a new --
2.43sThose guys are inside me, huh?
1.63sLike, building a park?
1.97sThose guys are inside you building a piece of shit, Ethan!
1.73sThey're inside you building a monument to compromise!
1.63sFuck 'em.
0.97sFuck those people.
2.59sFuck this whole thing, Ethan.
0.83sAnd who pays me?