2.53sYour pants go almost all the way to your ankles.
1.47sGood afternoon, individuals.
1.87sSir, would you mind stepping out of the building?
2.07sNormally, when a cop asks me that,
2.3sI spray whip cream in his eyes and run away,
2.43sbut to ditch these losers, gladly.
1.64sBender, be honest with me.
1.33sAre you planning a big heist?
1.72sUsually, but not at the moment.
4.65sI only ask 'cause the Oracle thinks you're going to pull off a major theft next Thursday.
1.97sNext Thursday, you say?
1.87sPray, continue.
3.15sAre you familiar with this particular location?
2.69sI may have a burgling familiarity with it.
2.74sDoes the word "Maltese" mean anything to you?
1.47sThe Maltese Liquor,