0.57sCall your father immediately.
3.52sHello ? Is Homer there ?
0.32sHomer who ?
2.65sHomer... Sexual.
2.75sWait one second. Let me check.
3.44sUh, Homer Sexual ? Uh, come on.
2.7sCome on. One of you guys has gotta be Homer Sexual.
3.39sNow, you rotten little punk,
4.12sif I ever get ahold of you, I'll sink my teeth into your cheek and rip your face off !
1.74sYou'll do what, young man ?
2.44sWhat-What ? Wait. Who is this ?
2.59sI think the real question is who is this and where is Homer Simpson ?
5.31sWhoa, whoa. Sorry. Principal Skinner, sorry. It's a bad connection, I think.
0.32sIt's for you. I think Bart's in trouble again.