3.34sHoly Spitz! He's sporting skintight Speedos!
1.77sThey don't leave much to the imagination.
2.4sActually, on a robot, they sorta do.
2.2sOne puny human got a look at the robber--
1.75sHere we go. Here we go!
3.09sDescribing him as a short, nasty, muscular--
1.72sYeah! Make me famous, big head!
1.8sCaucasian human male.
2.87sHey, now what am I supposed to watch and drink all day?
2.08sThis is an outrage!
4sWhat's the point of pullin' the biggest pool caper ever if nobody knows you did it?
0.46sWell, there's the material rewards.
3.66sYou mean this junk?
3.29sAll I ever wanted was for people to remember my name.
2.27sIt's Bender.