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3.24sBertram! I haven't seen you since our microscopic encounter.
2.1sHow the deuce did you get out of Peter's testicles?
1.64s- He donated sperm. - Gross.
1.6sWell, I don't mean to be a discourteous host,
1.57sbut this is my playground.
1.3sI rule this territory.
2.47sMy, my! What an amusingly misguided view.
4.27sVery well, then. You leave me no choice but to declare war!
4.17sSo be it. I'll do to you what B.C. does to comedy on a daily basis.
2sCAVEMAN 1: Hey, why is Juan so happy?
2.47sCAVEMAN 2: I think he finally figured himself out.
3.07sCAVEMAN 1: Huh, I guess it takes Juan to know Juan.
2.17sHey, boys. You having a midnight snack?
4.3sI'm just gonna grab something, too, and go back to bed alone again.
3.47sYou know, Lois has gotten kind of fat since you guys stopped having sex.
3.77sIt might be time to, you know, have some sex.
2.54sYou know, at first I didn't want to do it 'cause of the vasectomy.