1.73sStewie, there you are.
1.9sOh, my God. Your face.
2.34sOh, sweetie. You got the chicken pox.
1.54sCome on, we got to get you out of here.
2.67sNo. No, damn you, I've got to finish what I've started!
2.37sNo... My God, you've put on weight.
2.77sYou're like one of those Memory Foam mattresses.
1.8sLook, there's my face.
1.3sHere you go, sweetie.
2.84sA couple of more oatmeal baths and you'll be all better.
1.6sWell, no need to clean up when I'm done.
4.44sYou'll probably just slice a couple of bananas in here and chow down, huh, porky?