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6.71s(GROANING) (CRYING) Anyone else want to feel my Weebok in their grapes?
1.9sThen you'll all do as I say.
2.17sHi. Well, hello there.
1.77sYes, that's right, cry.
2.84sCry like Sauron when he lost his contact lens.
1.9sNobody move! Nobody move!
1.37sDoes--Does anybody see it?
1.8sIt might be stuck to a tree or a rock.
1.87sOh, I am so grounded.
5.6sHi, there. Peter Griffin. I've got an appointment to, uh, banish a White Russian from my Kremlin.
3.07sWell, we don't have empty rooms right now, but if you'll have a seat...
4.34sYeah. I kind of warmed myself up in the car if you catch my drift.
3.1sI could put you in the storage freezer. That'll work.
2.37sNurse, I've got a splinter.
1.9sJust come out whenever you're done.
3.97sOh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!
3.17s(PETER SCREAMS) PETER: Oh, God! I...